How much would it cost to have implants to replace all teeth?

Q. I want all my teeth yes all my teeth replaced with dental implants and whatever tooth attachment you think it best but what price am I looking at. I am hoping imlpants can give me something of my old life with a lovely smile after years of not giving my teeth the attention they deserved! Thanks,
A. Hi thanks for your question.

To have all your teeth removed and replaced with implants is a fairly drastic step.  There may be other treatment options available to you. 

All practices charge different fees, but as a ball park guide for full arch implant retained bridgework you would be likely to spend upwards of £15,000 per arch.

As I say this may not be the most appropriate treatment option for you.

The best thing to do would be to have  consultation with a dentist who can look at your dental condition, disucss what you hope to achieve and then work with you to build a plan for moving forward.

I hope that this helps.


George Glover

dr glover

Dr Glover
Fergus and Glover
160 Union St Aberdeen AB10 1QT
Web : Tel: 012 246 44876

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