Frequently Asked Questions - Dental Implant

Can I go abroad for an implant?

This is becoming a popular choice for a great many people. Medical/dental tourism is a fast growing industry as people take advantage of cheaper costs plus the chance to have a short break in an exotic location.

This is an option but one that you do need to think about very carefully. Price is a consideration but is only one factor to take into account.

What you will be concerned with is the level of training and expertise of the dentist, his/her success rates, the clinic facilities and aftercare service.

No-one likes to think about this but what you do have to consider is what if something goes wrong? If it does what are your options? If you have had treatment in a country which requires a long haul flight to get there then are you prepared to return there? If an implant fails or you experience a complication then it can be costly, both in terms of time and money to put this right.

Many overseas clinics offer ‘cut price packages’ which seem like a very good deal. Check to see what that offer includes. Does it cover the treatment only or does it include the treatment, anaesthesia, meals, medication, implant etc? Does it include any follow up care?

Think about why the procedure is cheaper than in the UK. If the difference is half the price then there is likely to be a good reason for this. The old saying ‘if it looks too good to be true then it probably is’ is a good one to apply here!

There are various websites which offer help and advice on this. Visit our links section for this and other useful sources of information.

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