Cosmetic Gum Surgery

There are two types of cosmetic gum operations. Gingivectomy is aimed at removing excess tissue from the gums and gingivoplasty is a type of surgery aimed at changing the shape and form of the gum tissue.

Gingivectomy is recommended to patients who struggle to clean their teeth and gums properly because of overgrown gum tissue that traps food particles and bacteria as well as causes aesthetic concerns. In some cases, excessive growth of gum tissue can occur as a side effect of certain forms of medication, but more often than not there are no apparent reasons for this condition. Gingivoplasty, on the other hand, deals with deformed or assymetrical gums. The functions of this operation are usually purely aesthetical. It is recommended that the dentist cleans the teeth before operating. Later on, a local anaesthetic is applied to numb the patient's gums. Usually, gingivoplasty is completed in a matter of minutes. In gingivectomy, however, the duration of the procedure can vary from a couple of minutes to around an hour.

After the surgery, the dentist will bandage the affected gums with a special dressing which will have to be kept on the gums for 7-10 days. In some cases, the dentist might prescribe painkillers and mouthwash. During the recovery period, the patient will be recommended to treat the operated area with extra care. It is best not to touch the irritated gums while brushing and flossing. Moreover, it is advised to hard or spicy foods.

Complications after these procedures are extremely rare. The operated gums might bleed for a day or two after the surgery, but should heal promptly.

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