Would I be able to get veneers rather than crowns for my mostly discoloured teeth. Could I qualify for braces?

Q. I am a lone parent on income support. I dont pay for treatment. my front 6 top teeth need treatment and my dentist said i could get crowns. Is there another alternative i could opt for than crowns as these wont improve my self confidence etc. Do you know if I would be entitled to veneers rather than crowns as my 6 top teeth arent worth being there now they r mostly fillings and discoloured. also i have over lappin bottom front teeth, I\’m 32 if i had some back teeth removed do you think I would qualify for a brace of some kind to make them straight which should jave been dealt with whrn i was a child. i get a great build up of plac therefore need lots of scales to remove it but it returns within weeks. i do brush and rinse also floss.,
A. It sounds like crowns will be better than veneers and will probably look as good if not better as the teeth sound heavily filled. You won\’t qualify for a brace on the NHS I\’m afriad
dr andrew moore

Dr Andrew Moore
Advance Dental Clinic
104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG
Web: www.advancedentalclinic.com Tel: 01245 268 494

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