Archives for November, 2013

I was told orthodontic treatment would be free for my missing dentist but now they say it’s not. Can you advise?

November 3rd, 2013

Hello! I have a missing lateral incisor and a crown on the other lateral incisor. My canine has been scraped small, so they could try to fit one big false tooth there but I refused because it looked weird. This procedure was made in Africa in 2008. Now I have a missing tooth and a crown which is starting to smell!!!! I went to my local dentist for a check up and asked them to remove the crown. I also asked them to refer me to the orthodontist but he refused to remove the crown. The reception gave me the orthodontist’s number. I called them and asked them to give me an appointment. They said because I was 20 years old that it was not free but told them that I have a HC2 form but they said it was private appointment . A dentist told me that the procedure would be free because I had a missing tooth!!!! please help? Is this right or wrong? Will I get a free treatment because of my missing tooth? If I have to pay for braces how much will it be? By the way I have not broken or damaged the missing tooth. After my baby teeth fell out x-rays should no lateral incisor on my left side and a very small lateral incisor on my right side(which looks like a baby teeth but now has a crown).

dr andrew moore

Dr Andrew Moore
Advance Dental Clinic
104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0JG
Web: Tel: 01245 268 494

View My Profile Dr Moore

Is it possible to remove my troublesome tooth and re-fit it afterwards using PeriAcryl?

November 3rd, 2013

I have an old “crown-on-gold-post” upper left incisor which is, over time, slowly dropping down (it has also moved over to the left, increasing the gap between the front teeth, and partiall covering the next tooth along). It is not currently loose, but my local dentist says it is the bone rejecting the dead tooth root, so it will fall our eventually….? The bottom half of the tooth was originally broken off in 1984: the nerve was removed (VERY painful!), a gold pillar with the matched false tooth attached was then screwed / glued into the old root canal after it had been drilled into (prepared?). I have to say that until recently, this tooth has been completely trouble-free, looked good, etc…but in the last 5 years or so, I have noticed it has gradually dropped significantly: It is now approximately 2mm+ lower than the adjacent tooth. I appreciate this is going to require attention eventually whatever happens, but having spent the last few months researching my options, I have come up with something that I think MAY be the best solution overall (I have been out of work and cannot really afford the Ti implant-route at this stage!) Is it possible to do the following: 1) Extract the offending tooth. 2) Remove the top part of the root. 3) Refit the tooth (which should now be able to be inserted further in / squared up?), using PeriAcryl (or similar) to secure it to the bone. 4) Over time the gum will bond back with the tooth, thereby holding it back in place securely……. If you have a “real” email address, I can send you pix of the tooth and a diagram of what I’m suggesting? As an engineer (but NOT a dentist!), I think this sounds plausible, and should take a very short time to actually do (if possible), avoiding the implant fitting / settling time / multiple visits, etc….. Please advise: if ti is possible, how much would it cost to have done..?

dr nick fahey

Dr Nick Fahey
Woodborough House Dental Practice
21 Reading Road, Pangbourne, Reading RG8 7LR
Web: Tel: Tel: 0118 984 3108

Harley Street Dental Studio
42 Harley Street, London W1G 9PR
Web: www.harleystreetdentalstudio.comTel: 020 7636 5981

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