Can you give me some info on the sinus lift procedure?

Q. Hello Dr Fahey. I am having a dental implant done in two weeks but have discovered that I will need to have bone grafting and a sinus lift. This had only added to what was already a very high level of anxiety about the treatment. I am not exactly sure why I am so fearful. I have broken bones before and coped with the pain find so I know I can handle it but still I worry greatly. I think it may be that I just don’t know what to expect. Could you offer any info about the bone graft and sinus lift, and any possible complications. Thank you for your time, Rachel.

Here are some notes regarding the sinus lift procedure with, or without implant placement


This procedure is performed to help correct insufficient bone quality and quantity for dental implant placement in the (back teeth) region. This is achieved by raising the membranous floor of the sinus and regenerating bone with bone grafting material so as to allow for future implant placement.


An incision is made in the gum in the area in which the dental implants are to be placed; the sinus membrane is carefully elevated and then filled with the bone grafting material. In some cases, a “window” is made in the bone and the sinus membrane is elevated and then filled with bone grafting material. In other cases, the sinus floor is raised through the site prepared for the dental implants by tapping on the bony floor of the sinus. Once the sinus floor is raised, then a bone graft material is placed. The dental implants are often placed at the time of surgery if the bone quality/quantity is found to be sufficient; resulting in a simultaneous implant placement and sinus lift procedure. We then allow the area to heal for three to twelve months before restoring the dental implants or placing the dental implant(s) if we have decided on a two stage procedure.


The decision as to which type of sinus lift procedure is performed or if dental implants can be placed at the same appointment is sometimes only possible to make at the time of  surgery.


The type of bone graft used is dependent upon the quantity and quality of bone required in each specific case. Bone replacement substitutes may be derived from human or animal bone, may be synthetic or may be harvested from your own bone. Regardless of the bone material used, all bone replacement substitutes have been processed to ensure they are disease free and safe.


All bone replacement substitutes have been used and/or researched for years and have substantiated track records. To date, there has never been any reported disease transmission to a patient from these bone replacement substitutes.


In the past ten years of documented research, sinus lift procedures for implant placement have been proven to be successful in over 95% of patients treated.


Although usually there are no complications other than the expected few days of post surgical discomfort, swelling and bruising you must be aware that complications can occur. They range from infection of the sinus to failure of the bone graft itself, necessitating its removal. The nature of the procedure demands that a very delicate membrane has to be carefully dissected. If this is perforated during the sinus lift then it can usually be repaired but some times if the tear is too large to repair then we have to abandon the procedure. If this occurs or the graft fails then we wait six months for healing and the procedure is repeated. In the rare event that this occurs I would only charge half my fee with the balance due in six month at the second attempt at surgery.


However, there do not appear to be any long term repercussions or side effects of a sinus lift procedure, and a full list of post operative instructions is provide to ensure a problem free healing period.


dr nick fahey

Dr Nick Fahey
Woodborough House Dental Practice
21 Reading Road, Pangbourne, Reading RG8 7LR
Web: Tel: Tel: 0118 984 3108

Harley Street Dental Studio
42 Harley Street, London W1G 9PR
Web: www.harleystreetdentalstudio.comTel: 020 7636 5981

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